Community Involvement is essential to a thriving Sacramento!
THANK YOU to the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for the recognition at the upcoming Salud Awards! It is such an honor to be chosen as one of the award recipients by this amazing organization. Their acknowledgement of Hispanic business leaders who have worked hard to meet the challenges of today through resilience, courage and determination is very much appreciated.
Hispanic businesses are integral to the U.S. economy – there are nearly 5 million Hispanic owned businesses in the U.S. Our Sacramento region represents the cultural pride and incredible work ethic of our local Hispanic business leaders.
Join me at the @sachispanics 49th Annual Salud! Business Awards to recognize four small businesses who have made an impact in our @cityofsacramento. You can join either virtually through their FB page on March 31.2021 at 12pm on their Facebook page, or get your pod together to watch the televised special on @telemundo33 this April 3rd at 6pm.
Congratulations to my fellow award recipients – your contributions to our beloved Sacramento community is inspirational!
~Sr. Ernesto Delgado
On February 4th, Sr. Ernesto Delgado hosted California Restaurant Association ProStart students during Experience Hospitality Day!
ProStart is a two-year program in culinary arts and hospitality management for local high school students, funded in part by the California Restaurant Association’s Foundation. Students not only learn in the classroom, but are also given essential real-world exposure in the world of hospitality. Experience Hospitality day begins with a college fair, breakfast and college panel. Then, students are separated into groups of 20-30 for tours at local restaurants, hotels and other hospitality venues so they can get a glimpse into the day-to-day tasks an owner or manager must perform.
At the conclusion of the tours, students are invited
to lunch with industry professionals and encouraged to ask questions about their chosen field.
Sr. Delgado supports Experience Hospitality day because he believes it’s essential to a strong and vibrant Sacramento to have well-trained and enthusiastic future Restaurateurs.
With her instructor’s permission, we were given the opportunity to interview one of these bright upcoming culinary stars.
Jasmine Flores is 16 years old. She chose the ProStart program because she knows hospitality is in her future. Here’s her interview:
Q: What made you choose the culinary program?
A: My family loves to cook. I often cook with my Dad, and come up with creative new ideas for dishes. Baking is my favorite at the moment – it’s creative but also requires knowledge about how ingredients work together.
Q: What do you love most about the program?
A: I love the hands-on part where we learn about cooking; especially the sessions on catering for events. It’s great to meet industry professionals – to travel to restaurants and see the passion the owners have for their food.
Q: What do you find most challenging?
A: I’m shy. I find it difficult to speak to people I just met. Yet, I know I need to become comfortable with it and by doing so, I can learn from the best.
Q: Have you decided what hospitality career you would like to pursue when you graduate?
A: Not yet. I plan to pursue a hospitality major in college. I’d like to explore all the possibilities before making a decision.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Definitely Tacos! You can do so much with them – fill them with an endless variety of ingredients to create new flavors.
Q: What do you most love about food?
A: Sharing food is sharing love. I can sit down to a meal with people and share my culture.
We wish Jasmine and all the other bright young students a great future in hospitality! They are the stars of tomorrow.

Just one of the ways in which we support our community is through sponsorship of the Sacramento United Soccer Club, a non-profit youth soccer organization. This organization helps young soccer players learn the value of teamwork and collaboration regardless of socio-economic factors with financial aid.
Señor Ernesto Delgado hosted California Restaurant Association ProStart students on Experience Hospitality Day Jan 23, 2017! He believes we must support future Restaurateurs in order to have a strong and vibrant Sacramento. Students in the California Restaurant Association’s programs learn firsthand what it’s like to run a restaurant.
Our future Sacramento restaurateurs had a great time while learning!